Friday 12 October 2012

Planning: Trailer Structure

Shot of Tom walking which gradually gets over exposed connoting there has been an explosion.
*Nuclear Warning message* -Harry Shearer for BBC over video of a nuclear explosion.
Tracking shot across the wall, showing pictures of victims of the explosion
Tom scavenging with radio announcement over it: “This is the Prime Minister. Stay in quarantine; I assure you, everything will be alright.” Could zoom into radio.
A conversation between the journalist and the war veteran establishing a relationship between them.  – done at Waterfoot. Tom to Max: “Friendly!?”            Max to Tom: “I’ll be whatever you want for that can of beans” (Improvise)
Cuts to another conversation at night (around a fire. Possibly Res). Tom: “I just want to escape this place, forget my past”.                     Max: ”I know a way out, but I’ll always wander these wastes”.
Panoramic shot with montage of news report “Global economy is in meltdown. *static* Food supplies short. *static*Revolution is upon us. Shot of Kieran in field looking lost, Tom points gun at him, shoots the gun and then fade to black.
Enclave sat in a room (any room with chiaroscuro lighting).He slams shut his laptop and then he marks a map whilst saying “they’re here” when pinning it. Then it will jump cut to him cocking his gun.
Montage of dialogue which will be a non-diegetic voice over once we’ve finished editing: “Tom? TOM!” Journalist: “We gotta leave!”-  POV shot of Tom running.
POV shot of Tom looking at the picture then dropping it in an over the shoulder shot. Non-diegetic voiceover, Tom: “I knew this place once. I knew these people, I knew these streets. I knew myself”. Over “I knew myself” the curb stomp is shown then goes black.
Title of film is shown.
Bible quote is shown either as a voice over or text, using it as a tag line for the film.
Release date and website is shown, as well as other institutional information.

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