Wednesday 12 December 2012

Rough Cut Evaluation and Improvements

Rough Cut from Max Lake on Vimeo.

Here are the comments made by our class:

Remove car sounds
Add dialogue scenes + news reports for narrative exposition and characterisation
More sound effects
Bus stop scene – Strobe lights in pinnacle and sound effects
Start with disruption, then create pace and drama to separate parts

Good Elements:
Lots of good shots, but they need to be arranged and edited to be more like a trailer

The music creates a good atmosphere for the trailer
Their are a lots of enigmas, but some may argue too many
Add more colour filters such as Chroma key to wash out certain colours

It is obvious people are dead and the world is desolated

From this we have established that we have a good variety of shots, as well as some action scenes and establishing some narrative. However, we must add more trailer conventions such as narrative voice-overs and dialogue, with additional action montages that will really enable an audience to grasp what the film genre is, what conventions it might follow, and most importantly what the story consists of.

We are currently at an early stage in the editing process as we have not got all of our shots and we are trying to put the trailer in a structure which makes good sense and flows well - this will be accomplished by integrating some of the above.

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